SARBI Engineering & WHG. Pvt. Ltd


Cloud Filter Plugging Point Apparatus for Diesel and Heating Fuels – ASTM 6371 / IP 309

Model Code
SEWCF01 (Two place assembly)
SEWCF02 (Four place assembly)

This apparatus is used for determination of cold filter plugging point (CFPP) temperature of diesel and domestic fuels including those containing flow- improving or other additives, intended for use in diesel engines and domestic heating installations. A specimen of the sample is cooled under specified conditions and, at intervals of 1OC, is drawn into a pipet under a controlled vacuum through a standardized wire mesh filter. The procedure is repeated until the amount of wax crystals that have separated out of solution is sufficient to stop or slow down the flow so that the time taken to fill the pipet exceeds 60 seconds or the fuel fails to return completely to the test jar before the fuel has cooled by a further 1OC.

External body Sturdy MS powder coated, flour mounting consist 2or 4 separate
with insulation.
Cooling chambers/baths Heavy gauge SS mfg., different standard temperatures,
PUFF insulation, two / four baths.
CFPP test jar assembly Borosilicate glass Pyrex jars, brass jacket, pipet, filter unit,
spacers, support rings, etc.
Cooling assembly CFC free, hermetically sealed compressor, fan motor, condenser,
overload protector, etc.
Vacuum system Vacuum pump & regulator, cork stopper, tubing, 3 way cock,
manometer, vent, etc.
Control panel PID type temperature controller, switches, RTD sensors, etc. separate
for each bath.
Recommended spares CFPP test jar assembly, pipet with filter unit, set of glassware, etc.



Sales Office

30, Jinal Industrial Estate
Pelhar, Vasai East, Maharashtra
401208, India

Regd Office

30, Jinal Industrial Estate
Pelhar, Vasai East, Maharashtra
401208, India

Phone : +91 9892008982
